For people with disabilities life in Tanzania is twice as hard. Families are ashamed, feel punished and often hide their disabled child for fear of exclusion by the villagers. Even visible characteristics such as albinism lead to exclusion.

There is lack of money and suitable means for medical care for these people.

The care-takers also find themselves in great need. After the birth of a child with handicap, the mother is often left by her husband or the family simply leaves the child with the grandmother. Children with disabilities grow up neglected: without support and care, without appreciation and love.

The fact that disabled people have a very difficult position in Tanzanian society is also expressed on the linguistic level. In the language of Swahili, they are not in the class of living beings, but of things. Disabled people are called kiwete (plural viwete), blind people are called kipofu (plural vipofu). Language is always also a mirror of society, what becomes evident here in an impressive way.

Current Examples

We have already been able to change and achieve much with only few resources. Every donation received for people with disabilities or their relatives was and is of great value and in some cases even created synergies. We purchase all things locally, so that we can support local businesses. The bikes with manual drive, for example, are manufactured in a workshop for people with disabilities in Dar es Salaam. There is, there would be, much need for action. We get the support tools for people who are personally known to Mitwe and to us. We see and meet everyone. For example Anastasia and Rashidi.

Anastasia is a girl with severe physical and mental disabilities. Her parents are patiently taking care of the girl. But – they have no support tools whatsoever. Anastasia is now almost as tall as her mother, but she can neither walk, sit alone nor communicate. It is almost impossible for the mother to move around with her. Thanks to donations we could get a wheelchair for Anastasia. A wheelchair with toilet seat. This makes it easier for the mother’s everyday activities, her mobility with her daughter and protects her own physical health.

A man, he has legs but cannot move them and had to crawl. Friends of his took him to the Kisutu (market), where he sat all day long. He is always cheerful. Friends of his drew our attention to him and we were allowed to get to know him and have a bike made by hand. So he became more independent. He can take his few belongings with him and doesn’t have to wait for someone to pick him up or bring him back home.

There are many such fates. But with little we can achieve a lot together with Mitwe.


Goal 2022

4 bicycles à 210 Fr. each, made on site


4 bicycles à 210 Fr. each, made on site

Goal reached, thanks to donors

Goal 2022

4 wheelchairs à 110 Fr. each made on


4 wheelchairs à 110 Fr. each made on

Goal reached, thanks to the donors