The furaha foundation was founded in April 2016. We are all familiar with the circumstances in Tanzania through numerous and regular stays and want to help people in need in Tanzania: by helping them to help themselves.

We work voluntarily and without remuneration, and pay all travel costs and expenses ourselves. This way your donated money can be used almost entirely for the activities in Tanzania. We hold regular board meetings, discuss our projects, maintain contacts with our network and regularly visit our projects on site in Tanzania.

In Swahili “furaha” means “joy, happiness”.

We respect local cirumstances and try to achieve the highest possible improvement with what we have at our disposal. Our projects are clearly defined and divided into goals, benefits and responsibilities. Each project is personally supervised by a member of furaha.

Every financial support is welcome, be it through a passive membership contribution, through targeted donations for our projects, or through a godparenthood.


Isabella Uhlmann

I was fascinated by Tanzania already as a child. Tanzania is a country full of contrasts: so much beauty, so many friendly people, and so much misery and need. In 2007, my husband and I travelled to Tanzania for the first time, a few years later came my time as a volunteer in Tuwapende Watoto, where I had the opportunity to gain a lot of experience, which is now helpful for the tasks with furaha. I am a person who likes to change things and make a difference – and I am hands-on. It is important to me to make my strength and also a part of my time available for furaha.

Kurt Uhlmann

I am a retired engineer and former managing director of a small business in the textile industry. On trips with my wife to Tanzania and other African countries I could see a lot of beautiful things, but I was also confronted with the great need of people. Many people work on such projects with great personal commitment. All this encourages me to join furaha and to contribute to this work.

Antje Horvath

I am convinced that education is the pillar for a promising future. With a good education we increase our chances of being able to shape our own lives, to remain independent and thus strengthen our self-confidence. Since I am in the fortunate position to grow personally through continous learning, I would like to do something for children, who are denied easy access to school and thus to education, through my commitment at furaha.

Mirjam Uhlmann Bajrami

“Today’s education shape tomorrow’s politics,” J-.J. Rousseau postulated over 100 years ago. As scholar of a humanities studies and with further training in project management and in the didactic-educational field, I consider the approach of promoting education as a valuable “raw material” to be the most efficient and sustainable method of helping people to help themselves. In and with furaha I would like to contribute to creating the necessary conditions for the children of today, which will enable them to create a better future tomorrow.

Nora Puskas

I am a certified translator and therapist. It is a privilege for me to be able to continue learning for myself. With my work at furaha, I would like to give something back and above all to give poorer children who want to learn, the opportunity to experience education at a school. This ist the first step. I have never been to Tanzania before, yet I feel a bond. I support furaha with a partial godparentship and voluntary work because it is a small and therefore personal and pationately committed organization.


Haika Mbaga, Executive manager from furaha

I am very happy to work for furaha.

“Never miss the opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to let them be to do so”.

Obtaining support tools for disabled people increases their ability to do their daily work, which can also improve their standard of living.

Orphans and poor children can attend a good school, which enables them to realize their dreams.

Furaha supports people from my country Tanzania, so I am ready and willing to work wholeheartedly with orphans, disabled people and other groups supported by the organization.

“Put your heart, mind and soul into your smallest action. This is the secret of success”. Swami Sivananda

Brigitte Grob

We are generously supported and advised in our activities by Brigitte Grob at their estate in Maua Beach. Maua Beach is our wonderful place to stay and retreat during our visits in Dar Es Salaam.


Technical support for the creation of our website

We would like to thank Ms. Zeppenfeld for her generous support in creating the website.
